Message with Tramp



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 08/23/21

Happy Monday!

Have there ever been times when you’ve wanted to go for something, do something or say something – but there has been something stopping you? I would venture to guess that has happened to you on the regular. I know it has me!

Tramp says this to Lady in the live action version of “Lady and the Tramp” (on Disney+) – and it serves as a good reminder:


I was chatting with a friend who told me how she really wants to propose an idea at work. She believes that her idea will support other leaders by providing new ideas and guidance – ultimately decreasing frustration and addressing the mental burnout many people are experiencing.

I told her how amazing I thought that was and couldn’t wait to hear how it went!

She then offered all the reasons why she wouldn’t be doing anything about it – why she wouldn’t be finding her inner wolf.

The reasons she offered are reasons that I bet we are all familiar with:

  • I don’t think anyone would be interested in what I have to say.

  • I don’t have enough experience.

  • I’m only a (insert position title here).

  • There are other people that can do it better.

  • People don’t have the time for anything new.

These thoughts are what we call limiting beliefs. They are simply stories that we are telling ourselves (another topic for another Magic Monday Message).

These limiting beliefs keep us from digging deep. They stop us from using our voice. 

What is important to know is this: the desire – the ‘thing’ that you want to do, say or be - usually doesn’t just go away when we resist, ignore or avoid it. Instead, it will hang out and eventually manifest in some way. It might show up as frustration or withdrawal – or it might fuel buffering behaviors like overworking, overeating, overshopping or any other ‘over’-ing. 

Here’s the good news: there is another choice. 

There is a choice to reach down deep and find that inner wolf inside you. There is a choice to trust your voice. There is a choice to share your goodness with the world.

I hope you choose to find your inner wolf.

What’s the worst that could happen?

If there is something that you want to share, do, or be – but are giving yourself reasons why you can’t – bring some awareness to it. Start by writing down every thought you are having (the good and not-so-good). Identify thoughts that are actually limiting beliefs. Begin to challenge those beliefs – answering questions like: are they true? what are alternate beliefs that will serve you better?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson