Message with Roy E. Disney
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 08/16/21
Happy Monday!
Last week, my live Coaching Moment Conversation segment was all about the Magic of Knowing Your Values. We talked about how being clear on your top values has several benefits to both your leadership and your life overall. (If you missed the 25-minute event – check out the replay here!)
One of the many benefits of knowing your values is the natural decision-making guidance you gain.
Walt Disney’s nephew, Roy E. Disney, believed the same. He once said:
When it comes to making decisions – whether it’s around what step to take next, how to behave, how to best handle an employee situation or what to say yes or no to – there can be many factors that contribute to confusion and indecision.
One factor is that our emotional brain (the limbic system), in an effort to do its job of protecting us, will try to intervene.
It might offer you questions such as:
What will others think?
How will people react?
What if I do the wrong thing?
Or thoughts like:
I don’t know what to do.
I don’t have what it takes.
I just want others to like me.
When we know what 2-4 values we hold closest to our core – we can engage our logical brain (prefrontal cortex) to do a quick alignment check. When you think of the possible decisions that could be made - check to see which of those decisions align (or don’t align) with your values. Those that don’t align can simply be weeded out. At the same time – the distractions offered by your emotional brain can be put aside for the time being.
Are you clear on your top values? For a little self-guided help, download my free Discover Your Values worksheet! (Scroll down until you see "Discover Your Values".)
Here’s to a week of alignment and clear decisions!
As you are faced with a decision this week - take a moment to check-in... when you consider the options, which ones align with your values? How does this check-in minimize confusion and guide in your decision?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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