Message from Peter Pan



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 08/30/21

Happy Monday!

I came across an article recently that shared the “10 Best Decision Maker Apps”. Although I’m sure there is some merit and usefulness with these apps – I believe that we have the best internal decision maker guidance within us at all times.

This song lyric from “You Can Fly” (from Disney’s classic animated film, “Peter Pan”) says it well:

Peter Pan Smile in Heart.jpg

When it comes to making what we consider a ‘difficult’ decision – our lower brain (the emotional brain) usually kicks in. It will offer all of the “what if” questions and “I don’t know” statements. That will usually come with a generous helping of fear and doubt.

We might catch on to the emotional reaction of our lower brain and decide to activate our prefrontal cortex. This is where the logic kicks in. From here - we might make a pro/con list and map out all of the possible scenarios and potential paths we could take in the questionable situation.

And finally….we might run the situation past friends, co-workers, family – desperately hoping someone will just tell us what to do.

This is where we need to pause and trust our own internal senses. 

You might call it your intuition, little voice, whisper or conscious. Whatever name it goes by – when you give it space and attention – it has a message for you.

Here’s what I do: 

I find a quiet space and get still. I think of the situation that is begging for a decision. 

As I think about the different paths or options available – I notice what sensations are in my body. 

The feeling of lightness or ‘butterflies’ (symbolic of a smile in your heart) is generally telling me that option is of the right path. 

The feeling of heaviness or sinking is generally telling me the opposite – it might not be the right way to go. 

Tune into the feeling that surfaces for you. 

When the feeling allows you to imagine a smile on your heart – you just might know that there is no better time to start.

This week – notice if your brain offers the thought of “I don’t know what to do” (or similar). Get silent, think of the situation in question and pay attention to your body. The sensation you feel will provide you with some answers.

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson