Message from Alice
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 09/06/21
Happy Monday!
One of the mindsets / comments that I’ve always found the most challenging to break through is “we’ve always done it this way.” It often comes up in organizations when there is talk of reinventing a process or taking the first steps toward a new idea. That mindset can be a real barrier to change and progress.
I love this quote from Alice in Wonderland as way to challenge that thought:
We often look to our past to make decisions about the future. It’s our brain’s way of staying in the comfort zone – protecting us from the unknown.
It’s true that all of our experiences from “yesterday” is data used to shape who we are today. We know that we are evolving and changing constantly. Because of that - we are never really the same person that we were yesterday.
Although it might make sense to leverage lessons learned in some situations, it is not useful to make decisions from our past selves.
We are simply no longer that person.
Acknowledge who you are today and decide who you want to be tomorrow. Let thatperson fuel your thoughts, your energy and your actions.
THAT is where the real magic is!
This week - when faced with a decision or determining the next step - challenge yourself to do it based on the person you are now (or even better - the person you want to be tomorrow!).
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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