Message with Hercules
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite quote (likely from Disney because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 07/12/21
Happy Monday!
Do you ever feel too unmotivated, too tired, too scared, too this or too that to follow through with something you’ve started? I image that there isn’t a person on this planet who couldn’t answer “yes” to this. It’s a total human thing!
At the beginning of 2020, I set a goal to run/jog one 5K every week. To date – I’ve done just that. But it isn’t always with excitement! There have been plenty of weeks that my brain gives me all kinds of reasons why this week I just can’t do it. Too hot. Too cold. Crappy treadmill. Pandemic. Tired. Busy.
And then, in my head I start hearing the song “Go the Distance” from Disney’s Hercules. In particular, this line goes on repeat:
It reminds me that there is a reason I’m doing what I’m doing - an end result that I’m reaching for. This doesn’t only apply to my 5Ks. It’s any time I’m feeling stuck, unmotivated, tired or afraid.
For example – starting my own business has been HARD. It’s super exciting – but it is work! And sometimes it can feel like I’m not making progress. But I remind myself that each and every one thing is a step toward the bigger result. And it’s that bigger result that matters most.
Every mile will be worth my while.
So, I’ll keep going – mile by mile (literally and figuratively). I want to see what happens if I don’t quit. And it will be worth it.
Is there something you've been working toward but having a hard time keeping on with? Visualize what success will look and feel like at the end. Then do a gut check. Is the result worth it?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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