Message with Edna Mode
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite quote (likely from Disney because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 8/31/20
Happy Monday!
Edna Mode from The Incredibles is one of my favorite characters. I finally got to meet her during our 2020 visit to Walt Disney World – and it was one of the highlights of the trip! She’s spunky, sassy and tells it like it is. She throws out these matter-of-fact statements that have a hint of wisdom in them – even though that probably isn’t her intent. This week, I chose this quote from Edna:
Edna is telling us to be in the present moment. I do, however, think there is value in “looking back” - but it’s how much time you spend there and what you let your brain do in that space that makes the difference. The look-back shows us lessons learned, which impacts our go-forward. But getting stuck there can be dangerous. Generally, getting stuck in looking back sounds a little like some version of this:
“I wish I would have…”
“I never should have…”
“If only…”
“I screwed up by….”
"Thanks to that, now I can’t….”
“It will never be that good again…”
Does any of that sound familiar?
Being stuck in that looking-back swirl is exactly what distracts us from the now. We can’t change the past – this we know. We can, of course, learn from it. But staying in it doesn’t allow our thoughts or our actions to fully live and be in the present moment. And the present moment is what we have control over. The present moment is what will pass quickly and what we will miss if we don’t take notice. The present moment is what moves us forward.
The present moment is what deserves our attention.
Pay attention to your thoughts this week. When you catch yourself stuck in the look-back, pivot those thoughts. Bring your attention to the present moment. Just be in it and notice what the now is offering you.
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
P.S. I mean, really. How cool is Edna Mode!?
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