Message from Walt Disney



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 06/24/24

Happy Monday!

Last week, I was in Walt Disney World and finally got to see (in person) the new statue at EPCOT called “Walt the Dreamer”.   This statue represents Walt later in his life when he was dreaming up the overall Florida Project and Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow (known as EPCOT).

The statue (and the space it is located) is beautiful, calming and inspiring.  One of the two plaques near the statue says this:

This just gives me all the feels.  Walt was the quintessential model for doing just that.  He was always keeping one foot moving in the direction of the future…innovating, dreaming, trying, failing, risking, evolving...always becoming.

It can be easy to slip into the space of comfort.  This isn’t necessarily a bad thing – but it can create stagnation, which can lead to dissatisfaction (although sometimes that’s not easy to admit).

Oftentimes – inaction is due to our very own unhelpful limitations!  It might be a lack of belief in our own abilities, or a misguided thought that we aren’t meant for anything more, or a worry about others’ judgements…just to name a few.

But here’s the thing:  the world around us is always changing and growing.  The world around us is always in a state of becoming.  That is a beautiful thing.

So why not change and grow along with it?

When you work to get clarity about what you truly desire and are willing to identify what, if anything, is getting in your way – possibilities emerge everywhere.

And it’s not reserved for people like Walt Disney (although he surely continues to spark inspired action!).

The mindset of becoming is available to you any time.

Sprinkle that mindset with intention, choice, belief and action….and you’ve got magic. ✨

What is your current mindset about your own constant change and growth? What, if anything, is getting in your way of taking inspired action?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson