Message from Princess Tiana



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 06/17/24

Happy Monday!

I gotta tell ya, aging has taken on a whole new meaning to me over the last year or so.  51 sure did bring about a lot of physical and emotional changes!  And I’m starting to understand this sentiment of thinking that you're younger than your birth certificate (and body) might say!

But here is what I know and believe:

To me - wishing on a star is a way of putting your most desired dream out into the universe.  It’s a declaration filled with hope and possibility. 

Of course, we need to do more than wish.  We need to take action – because, as we know, we hold the power to creating the results we want. 

But it does start with that acknowledgment and wholehearted desire.

Sometimes – this sneaky little voice disrupts that wish.  It might say things like:

🅧 You’re not experienced enough.

🅧 You’re not smart enough.

🅧 You’re not worthy enough.

🅧 You’re not as good as others.

🅧 You aren’t meant for that.

🅧 You’re too young.

🅧 You’re too old.

It’s those sneaky little thoughts that can stop you from actually wishing on that star, from committing to your goals, from taking any action at all.

It’s time to thank that unhelpful voice for trying to keep you safe and kindly ask it to take a break.

No need for backseat drivers here.

As this email lands in your inbox – I’m on my last day of a trip to Walt Disney World.  You can bet that I’m wishing on a star in my happy place.  And I’m ready to take action to make it come true.

How about you?

Write down one big goal you have that you haven’t yet given attention to. Do something to put it out in the world…shout it from your porch, post it on your mirror, make it your phone’s screensaver. What is the next best step that will bring you closer to achieving that goal?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson