Message from Jod Na Nawood



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 02/24/25

Happy Monday!

As you might know – I’m a big believer that our thoughts create our results. There are many mantras that speak to this—“what you resist persists” and “where attention goes, the energy flows” are just a couple.

Another version I heard recently comes from the character of Jod Na Nawood on the Disney+ show - Star Wars: Skeleton Crew:

This idea isn’t just a philosophy; it’s a universal truth woven into how our brains work. It reminds me of the (quite disturbing) algorithms of social media. When you start talking about a product (or even just thinking about it!), ads for that very product begin to flood your feed. Or think back to the last time you considered buying a new car. I was focused on a VW Atlas and—although I’d rarely seen them before—once my brain was tuned in, I saw them everywhere!

They didn’t suddenly appear; they were there all along. What changed was my focus.

That’s because our brains constantly seek out evidence to confirm our thoughts and beliefs.

This is amazing news, because there’s so much magic in the power of choosing our thoughts and focus!

  • Want to make more money? Make sure your thoughts create feelings of abundance rather than scarcity.

  • Want to connect better with those around you? Focus on reasons why you can connect rather than reasons why you can’t.

  • Want to be more confident in using your voice? Don’t imagine all that could go wrong—lean into the future version of you who is confident.

  • Want to secure that new role? Instead of focusing on the experience you might be lacking, lean into the strengths you do have.

Our brains love to default to the ‘negative’ out of protection (thank you, brain!). If you allow those thoughts to take over, you’ll keep proving them right.

But with awareness, you can intentionally shift your focus to create the reality you desire.

You ready?

Take a moment to think about a goal you're pursuing. Is your focus aligned with the results you want?"

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson