Message from Wenwu



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 05/30/22

Happy Monday!

Some of my very favorite work to do with my clients is debriefing their Insights® Discovery profile.  This is when they receive their 20-page report describing their personality through the lens of the Insights® color energies.  There are always so many ah-ha moments and “how did they get in my head?” exclamations.

People love to read about their personality styles.

Sometimes, however, the initial amazement turns into “I wish I wasn’t like that” or “I don’t like that part about me.”

And this is where the work begins.  This quote from Wenwu from Marvel’s “Shang-Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings” is a good place for me to begin the conversation with my client:

There might be parts of us that we don’t love.   We think that pretending those parts don’t exist or attempting to hide them away is the ‘easy’ way to deal with them.  But what we are really doing is subconsciously judging ourselves (not helpful).

And that can often result in showing up inauthentically and/or engaging in (often unhealthy) buffering behaviors.

That’s because we can’t outrun who we really are. 

But when we acknowledge and own who we are - - all of who we are - - things shift.  We give ourselves permission to accept ourselves.  We enable ourselves to get intentional about making the changes we want to make – all while liking our reasons for it.  We open up our awareness of how we are perceived by others.

We stop apologizing and start being.

It doesn’t mean that the world around us will suddenly be full of rainbows and daisies.  

But a burden begins to lift and things become a little bit clearer.

Image what could happen from there!

What parts of you do you hide or pretend aren’t there? What would be different if you gently - without judgement - acknowledged those parts and embraced them for what they are? What would you do next?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson