Message from Mary Poppins



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 05/23/22

Happy Monday!

This past week – I was in Florida for a little bit of work and a little bit of play.  I was immersed in the magic of Walt Disney World for a few days and the quote inspiration was everywhere!!

A highlight of my trip was my Mary Poppins interaction.  I just had to choose one of her oh-so-full-of-wisdom quotes this week!

In the Movie, “Mary Poppins Returns”, she says to the children:

Our brains like to keep us focused on the past.  As a memorykeeper, I can certainly appreciate looking back as a means of reminiscing and drawing from lessons learned. 

Where spending too much time in the past can get ‘dangerous’ is when we continually ruminate by wishing things could have happened differently (a.k.a. mentally beating ourselves or others up) or acting as though the past is our current reality (a.k.a. staying stuck in what once was).

When we do these things – we are likely to miss out on what lies ahead.  We don’t create belief in our future.  We disregard setting goals that will bring us closer to our dreams.  We fail to take steps toward becoming our future self.

We know that the past cannot be changed.  

It can certainly be honored and act as a teacher.  But staying stuck there doesn’t have an upside.

Time will continue to march ahead.   You get to decide if you want to spend the majority of your time focusing on what once was or on what could be.

Only one path will create the life you really want.

What will you choose to focus on?

Spend some time observing your thoughts. Are you choosing to spend more time in the past or looking into the future? What is working and not working with your current focus?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson