Message from Mulan



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 05/16/22

Happy Monday!

If you’ve been reading my Magic Monday messages for a while – you know that I’m a bit geeky about self-awareness. As I work with leaders and clients on their own journeys of understanding self, a common realization is that many of us, for a variety of reasons, don’t fully embrace the attributes that make us who we are.

Maybe that’s why the song “Reflection” from Disney’s animated feature, Mulan, became so popular (that...and Christina Aguilera…). In the song – Mulan sings:

To me - the “inside” of us is the combination of the innate characteristics and preferences that create our personality type.

The characteristics that create our preference for introversion or extraversion. That influence the way we make decisions, communicate and approach goals. That contribute to how we view the world and build relationships.

Sometimes we don’t honor our innate style.

Instead, we show up to the outside world the way we think that the world wants us to. The way that we think others think we should.

This creates a misalignment between our external and internal self. Our reflection is off.

When we intentionally choose to make shifts and changes to get in alignment – we hold our own power and create authenticity.

But when we change who we are on the outside because we think it will make OTHERS more comfortable or because we think it is what we are supposed to do, we give our power to someone else.

We create misalignment.

So, when will your reflection show who you are inside?

As soon as you own the true you. As soon as you show up to the outside world by honoring, leveraging and managing who you are on the inside.

Reflection in alignment. It’s all possible. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Spend some time journaling on these questions: What are my innate characteristics and preferences? How do those show up in the different areas of my life? Does my internal self feel aligned with my external self? If not, what small shifts can I make and how would that make a difference?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson