Message from Mufasa



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 05/09/22

Happy Monday!

Last week, I had the privilege of presenting on the topic “The Magic of Mindset” at a conference for HR professionals. One of the final points I shared was the importance of believing in yourself.

I love the perspective that Mufasa offers in the 2019 live action version of Disney’s “The Lion King” when he says this to Simba:

People feed off the energy we put out into the world. 

If we don’t exude confidence in ourselves, others will be less likely to be confident in us.

If we expect ‘bad’ things to happen to us – the universe will give us evidence of that to be true.

If we don’t believe in ourselves, chances are others won’t believe in us (or with us) either.

I realize that there are always exceptions – many of us have parents, BFFs, partners, etc. that will believe in us and support us no matter what.

It is helpful and meaningful to have others believe in us – but the person who is MOST important in the equation is you.

You are the only person that is guaranteed to be with you always.

It is you that needs to have your own back. It is you that needs to believe.

And when you do – it will shift your perspective. You will create the results you want.

And it will be felt far and wide.

Others will have no choice but to believe with you.

Challenge yourself to assess your own self-belief in the different areas of your life. What comes up for you?​

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson