Message from Shang-Chi & The Legend of the Ten Rings



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 05/02/22

Happy Monday!

One of my favorite milestone memories from my kids in their toddler years was that of them learning how to walk.

Sure – they had some hesitation at first – but they didn’t get all hung up on the unknown.   They just did it without knowing what the exact outcome would be.   They would fall, get back up and try again.  And again.  And again.

If they hadn't – they would still be scooting around on their knees and bottoms (that’s a fun visual!)!

This was the example I thought of as I read this quote from the ‘grandma’ in Marvel’s 2021 movie, Shang-Chi & The Legend of the Ten Rings:

I have certainly done my fair share of sitting on the sidelines, playing small and not going for things I really wanted.  I’ve always had really sensible surface-level reasons.  But the REAL reasons were usually something like:

→ “I don’t know how it will turn out”.

→ “I’ll probably be judged.”

→ “Nobody will be interested.”

→ “I could fail”.

Sound familiar?

Our brains are wired to want to avoid the unknown and the uncomfortable.

But what fun are the results of that?!

Listen – even when we decide to tip toe into the scary unknown – we might aim wrong.  We might still hit nothing.  But at least we tried.  AND we collect data that shows 1) we survived and can try again 2) we learned from the misstep and can redirect and 3) we know more now than we did before.

By not aiming at all – we have zero chance of hitting anything.

Let’s just give aiming our best shot and see where it goes.

What’s the worst that can happen?

When deciding on your next (or first) step in moving toward your goals – ask yourself: “What am I missing out by not taking action?” Your answer to this question might just reveal a motivating perspective you hadn’t thought of yet!​

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson