Message from Captain Jack Sparrow



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 04/25/22

Happy Monday!

One of my very favorite attractions at the Disney parks is Pirates of the Caribbean. So, when the first Pirates movie came out based on the attraction – I was so excited! Captain Jack Sparrow has his own unique personality for sure! Within his quirkiness – he sprinkles in some great wisdom-ladened one-liners. Like, when referencing the Black Pearl, he said:

These words are so uplifting to me.  So simple.  So nonchalant.

Because it’s true.

Wherever we want to go in our life, our career, our leadership journey, our relationships, etc. – we can go!

The destination, the journey, the result – they are all a choice.  We can create it all.

It takes belief, clean thinking, tapping into your future self, a willingness to fail, embracing the 50/50 of life and massive action.

All within our own control.

So – where do you want to go?  And are you willing to go all in?

Working with a coach to walk alongside and challenge you is exactly what can help you tap into all you need.  If you’d like to explore that more – set up a free consult and let’s talk about it!

Where do you want to go? Think about one area of your life and what your desired destination looks, feels and sounds like. What is the first action you will take to start the journey?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson