Message from Master Yoda



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 04/18/22

Happy Monday!

There are a lot of reasons we don’t go for the thing we know deep down we should be going for.  The promotion at work, changing jobs, moving on from a relationship, starting that new fitness program….

Underneath a majority of those reasons lies fear.

One of the biggest fears?

Fear of failure.

Let’s see what Master Yoda has to say about that:

​​​Did you know that failure is actually a gift?  It is, in fact, a teacher, just like Yoda says.

It is within the failures that we learn and grow.  That we make our dreams come true.

So often, we let the fear of failure stop us before we even get started.  That’s just making a choice to fail ahead of time.   Just think of all we might be missing out on!

The dictionary definition of failure is:  "the omission of expected or required action."

An omission isn’t that big of a deal, right?  So something didn’t turn out the way we expected.  That happens – and that’s okay!  We can make failure sound so detrimental.  So heavy. 

But what if we reframe it?

✨ Failure is an opportunity to learn.

✨ Failure means that I took action – and that is bigger than any result.

✨ Failure creates lessons and wisdom that can be shared with others.

You get to decide what failure means to you.   And you get to decide what to do with said failure.

I believe that failure advances you in ways that success may never be able to.

And listen - Master Yoda is never wrong.  If I’m not convincing you – you should definitely listen to him. 

What is your definition of failure? What do you make failure mean about you? What about failure are you afraid of? Look at your answers. Do they serve you? Is there a different way you could look at failure and what you make it mean?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson