Message from Christopher Robin



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 04/11/22

Happy Monday!

Sometimes the best wisdom comes in the simplest words. Winnie the Pooh and friends are really good at this. Christopher Robin has one of the best messages:

​​This past week – I was at an incredible event.  I am certified through the best life coach school in the world (The Life Coach School) and I attended their Mastermind event in Austin, Texas.  1600 amazing life coaches – all working to impact the lives of the people they serve.

✨ Energy that was unstoppable.

✨ Presentations that were so good – I couldn’t bring myself to leave for a bathroom break – ever.

✨ I was in the presence of successful businesswomen and men who are killin’ it.  Actual idols in the world of coaching.

Words cannot describe how much I loved it.

Yet – with all of that came plenty of opportunity for my brain to offer me lots of icky thoughts.

→ It questioned who I thought I was being in the same room.

→ It spent time comparing where I am in my business to others.

→ It insisted that I will never be anything like these people who seem to have it all figured out.

We can be really good at beating ourselves up.

But because I know how to see my brain for what it is – I was able to challenge those thoughts.  “What if you’re wrong, brain?”

I chose not to believe myself.  Not those unhelpful thoughts.

Because Christopher Robin is right.

I am braver than I believe, stronger than I seem and smarter than I think.

And so are you.

WE create our results.   And it all starts with our thinking.

What thoughts are you choosing?

Be intentional about watching your brain. Notice when you have thoughts that equate to you beating yourself up. And then ask: "what if you're wrong?" Notice what comes up for you.

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson