Message from Walt Disney



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 04/04/22

Happy Monday!

This past weekend, I got to participate in something pretty awesome. It happened because the organizer of the event chose not to give up when he started to face some doubts. In this moment – I think he channeled this quote from Walt Disney!

​​My friend, Tim Bigonia – the owner of Journey to Grateful and the Journey to Grateful podcast – hosted an all-day retreat for those who are going through their grief journey.  He organized and prepared for a day that would create a warm, safe and giving environment for those who attended.  He brought in three speakers (which I had the honor of being one), arranged for delicious food and prepared the most thoughtful gifts for each.  The venue was incredible, and his materials were spot on.

Like most humans do when we are making a goal come to fruition – there was a moment of questioning and doubt as the date drew near.  

When that happens – there is always a choice.  We can listen to the doubts and ‘give up’, or we can choose to follow through and learn from whatever result is created.

I, along with the retreat attendees, am so grateful that Tim chose the latter.

Sometimes the result is not what you planned or imagined (often times it’s better!).  But you will always miss out on something valuable by quitting.  

It’s how we learn.  It’s how we grow.  And it’s how we can positively impact others – one person at a time.

The next time you sense yourself indulging in doubt – ask yourself what you might be missing out on if you quit.

And then, carry on.

Is there a result you are currently trying to create in which you are having doubts? First, write down all of the thoughts that are creating doubt (when you see them – they might have less weight). Next, write down what you (and others) might miss out on if you quit. Review the two lists. Which one speaks to you more?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson