Message from Aunt May



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 03/28/22

Happy Monday!

First – if you haven’t seen the movie that this quote comes from – why not!? You must. I won’t share when the quote debuts – you’ll have to find out on your own.

Okay, let’s just jump right in – because I love this quote so much:

​​It’s really quite a simple concept, but not always thought of. It requires a broad, big-picture frame of mind.

It’s kind of like when you are in the drive-thru at Starbucks (or the like), get to the window to pay – and learn that the car in front of you paid for your order. What are you likely to do? Pay for the car behind you, right? This can go on for hours – even days! It’s a ripple effect that extends far beyond ourselves or to the one next person. We have zero idea how that one act may have impacted or helped others….many, many others.

If you help someone, you help everyone.

The things we do, the words we use and the way we behave toward any one person can have an impact on not only that one person – but on anyone THEY interact with….and on and on and on.

Each time you extend a helping hand, take time to listen, share your knowledge, offer an act of kindness and/or lead with compassion vs. judgement – you are creating impact. You are helping someone. That someone will likely carry that on to someone around them. And on and on and on.

If you help someone, you help everyone.

Be aware of how you can help someone or create an impact in your everyday life - when you are on social media, when you walk into Target, as you drive down the highway and in your interactions with your co-workers and team members. 

If you help someone, you help everyone.

This week - each day - be intentional about helping or impacting one person. Do this without expectation. Just know that your act extends well beyond you.

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson