Message from Gazelle



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 03/21/22

Happy Monday!

One of the biggest gifts to me is the inspiration I receive from every coaching session I have with a client.   Recently, I was talking with a client about her “impossible” goal (the goal that she has set but doesn’t 100% believe in yet - AND is willing to go after no matter what).

After that session – I couldn’t stop singing this phrase from the song “Try Everything” (sung by Shakira) from the 2016 Disney film Zootopia:

​​She left our session with an “I won’t give up” perspective and it was magic.  Because – here’s the deal – our biggest dreams, while exciting – will also take work to reach.  

There will be bumps and blockers.  

How we think of those bumps and how we decide to overcome (or not overcome) those blockers will make all of the difference.

With my help – my client did a brain dump of all the things that might go wrong along the way.  She thought of both tangible and intangible barriers.  She got the what if’s, doubts and fears onto paper.  She was then able to look at that list and decide ahead of time how she could tackle them if they actually showed up.

She even realized some of what she wrote was probably not an actual barrier and was able to simple remove them – both from the list and from taking space in her brain.

Cleaning up her thoughts and proactively strategizing has left room for the belief in herself and in her goal.

As a result, she walked away adopting the motivating thought of “I won’t’ give up until I reach the end.”


Think about an ‘impossible’ goal you are trying to achieve. Decide ahead of time that you won’t give up. How can you remind yourself of that every day?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson