Message from Joe Gardner
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 03/14/22
Happy Monday!
Wouldn’t it be nice if when we are going after our goals – it was just ‘easy’? Smooth sailing, no bumps, nothing to slow us down?
Other than in rare occasions - that usually isn’t the way it works.
Joe Gardner from the Disney / Pixar movie, Soul, agrees. He said:
There is a good chance that something will always “get in the way”. There will be some type of barrier. Probably even several!
Maybe it’s not enough time. Maybe it’s a lack of resources. Maybe it’s your own wavering belief in yourself.
Bumps in the road are a natural part of the process.
However, seeing them as “in the way” is a choice. Letting them stop you in your tracks is also a choice.
Alternatively, you could choose see them as a test of perseverance. You could decide to learn from them. You could see how they are pushing you outside of your comfort zone and take advantage of the growth you will experience.
Because we know that barriers, challenges and the unexpected will pop up – I wanted to share with you a helpful exercise you can do ahead of time:
On the top of a piece of paper – write down your goal.
Next, make a list of everything you think could possibility go wrong and/or ‘get in the way’. Keep adding to the list as things come to you over the next several days. Add both physical and mental barriers that might show up.
Go through your list and decide how realistic each item is (one-by-one). Cross off any that you decide are most likely not going to happen.
With the remaining items on your list – strategize ahead of time on how you will handle them if they happen. Write your strategy next to the barrier.
Doing this exercise accomplishes a few things:
✨ It gets the fears, uncertainties and doubts out of your head and onto paper – calming the brain down ahead of time.
✨ It empowers you to pre-plan how you might cross a challenge if it were to come up – you’ll be ready!
✨ It provides proof to yourself that you have the power to reach your goals – no matter what.
So how will you look at the things that get in the way of reaching your dreams? Will you see them as a showstopper or as an opportunity?
This week – identify a goal that is currently underway or that you are just establishing. Do the above strategizing exercise. Reflect on what learned from that experience.
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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