Message from Tarzan



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 06/06/22

Happy Monday!

I long for a world where everyone accepts everyone just as that are.   Are you with me? Reality tells me that we are still (too) far from that.  But as much as I see what I perceive to be “the ick” – I also see the good.

And I also know that we all have biases.  Me, you, everyone.   There is no shame in acknowledging that.  When we do – our defenses will come down and our judgement will soften.  And we can ask ourselves good questions – just like this one from Tarzan from the 1999 Disney animated movie of the same name:

We all have experiences that shape our thinking and our deep-rooted beliefs.  And we all have human brains – which means we can challenge and shift our thoughts, open up to new perspectives and create new beliefs.

I believe it is our human responsibility – especially if you are in a leadership role – to ask yourself and others questions like this one from Tarzan.   And to ask not from a place of defensiveness or judgment – but from curiosity and openness.   You will likely experience a stronger sense of compassion - for yourself and for others.

That is where acceptance begins, and connection grows.

We have the opportunity to make our world a better place in our everyday interactions. What will you do?

This week – look to raise your own awareness of times when you might judge others based on who they are. No judgment. Just awareness.

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson