Message from Walt Disney



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 06/13/22

Happy Monday!

I spent 21 years working as a leader in Human Resources before starting my own business – and another 7 years in a variety of leadership capacities before that.

I fully understand the push and pull, the spinning plates, the multiple hats, the crazy hours, the “just-when-you-think-you’ve-seen-it-all” experiences, the highs, the lows, the celebrations and the “I have no idea what I’m doing but I’ll do it anyway” situations that come with being a leader.

And I have carried this quote from Walt Disney with me the entire time:

I know I wouldn’t be a successful leader if I wasn’t surrounded by amazing people.  For the bulk of my career – my goal was to create, build and design the most wonderful employee experience at the organizations I worked for.   It was never lost on me that to make that a reality – the rest of my team and the organization’s leaders would need to be all in.

At the core of any organization is the people.   People are sometimes viewed as an expense and can often be placed at the bottom of the priority list.  When cost-saving measures need to be put in place – labor and learning and development budgets are some of the first to be looked at.

Imagine if that was reversed?  If people were categorized as the asset they actually are?   If their growth, development, and wellbeing was always understood to be a necessary investment?   What would that do to engagement, productivity, retention and results?  How would a positive work experience for one individual ripple into other areas of their life and spread to other people around them?

It would be magic.  Just like Walt himself.

How do ensure that the people you lead are top priority? How do you invest in their work environment, their development, their well-being, their whole person? And how are you granting that same attention to yourself?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson