Message from Meilin Lee



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 06/20/22

Happy Monday!

This past week – I turned 50.  

Listen – I know it’s “just a number”.  But for some reason – I’m making this number mean all kinds of things (hello, human brain!).  In truth – I can’t really wrap my head around the fact that I am ‘the big 5-0’. I’m really proud of the path I’ve taken (even with all of the bumps, twists and turns) - - and at the same time - - I feel like I’m just getting started!

This quote from Meilin Lee from the 2022 Disney Pixar film “Turning Red” really resonated with me:

Probably not the type of quote you expected, huh?  

There was a time early in my career that I was pretty goofy.  I literally WOULD do a spontaneous cartwheel when I felt so moved!  I truly was not afraid to be who I was.

And then something happened. 

Not only did I get more and more responsibility on my plate as I climbed the ladder, I started to quiet my voice and lose some spark.  Don’t get me wrong – I was still very good at what I did, cared incessantly about my work and the people around me and was a high-achieving, well-respected leader (at least from my view!).

But there were situations and environments where my light would get a little bit dimmer.  And my beliefs about who I was started to get muddy.

I won’t get into that whole journey here – but I’m so happy to say that I finally feel like I’m on the other side.

I may not be able to do a spontaneous cartwheel anymore (listen – there is something to getting older…) – but I am full-on leaning into the sentiment!

And I’m glad to be back.

What choices are you making to live into your true self?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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