Message from Marie



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 06/27/22

Happy Monday!

This past Friday, we learned that the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe v. Wade.  I’m not going to expand on my thoughts about that situation in this message, but I can tell you that my brain went into a slight tailspin thinking about all of the compounding global and national headlines, decisions, discussions, actions and inactions that are surrounding us.

And this quote from a scene in the 1970 Disney animated movie, The Aristocats, hit me hard:

I’ve been thinking about what this might mean not only from a broad and collective perspective, but on an individual level as well.

In my coaching sessions (especially with women), often times the struggles that the client is having is rooted in a lack of self-confidence, self-love, and self-worthiness. This is really not a surprise – it seems to be the ‘human way’ (and what I’ve done a lot of self work on too!). 

There are a lot of individual contributing factors to this that look different for everyone.  I also know that there are common shared factors as well….like social conditioning, broken and archaic systems and conscious and unconscious biases that are coupled with direct and indirect messages we receive.

It’s no wonder that so many people (again, especially women) play small, don’t speak up and are people-pleasers (a term that sounds nice, but has a dark side…).

The world around us has been our teacher.

The simple message is this:    If you are in any situation (at work, in relationships, in society, etc.) where your values, your accomplishments, your expertise and/or your rights are being challenged by someone or something outside of yourself – you do not have accept it.  

Creating the change is an inside out job.

✨ Own and love who you are now and decide who you want to be going forward.  

✨ Continually work on a clean mindset. 

✨ Generate the (useful) feelings you want to feel.

✨ Do the work and do it out loud.

I’m right there with you.

We’ve got this.

Ask yourself – is there an area of your life where, whether consciously or unconsciously, your power is given to something or someone externally and it is holding you back? Without judging or censoring - write down all of your thoughts about it. What do you notice?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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