Message from Genie



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 07/04/22

Happy Monday!

I absolutely love Disney’s 1992 animated film, Aladdin.  And Robin Williams as Genie…so incredible!

Genie’s purpose was, when released from the magic lamp, to grant the person who rubbed the lamp three wishes.  He was always making things happen for other people (does anyone resonate with that?).  When Aladdin asked Genie what HE would wish for – Genie said:

Because of the way the magic lamp works – Genie truly wasn’t able to do what he wanted. He had to rely on someone else to set him free.

Have you ever felt like a genie stuck in a magic lamp?  Knowing that there is so much out there but feeling confined – like it’s all out of reach? 

The truth is - you and I actually can create our own path and generate the joy and life satisfaction we want.  Yet – so often, we too, are bound.  We get bound by our (often subconscious) expectations of things outside of us. 

→ “When I get the promotion, then…”

→ “When I lose the weight, then…”

→ “When he/she does (insert nearly anything here), then…”

→ “When the kids are out of the house, then…”

→“When they tell me I’m good enough, smart enough, ready enough, rich enough, tall enough, etc., then…”

This puts us in the position of being bound by the external.

• We think that is what we need to be validated.

• We think that is where happiness and success lies. 

• We think that is when it’s our turn.

It’s like being confined inside the lamp - being dependent on someone or something other than yourself to let you out.

But the truth is – you are your own master. Your time is whenever you want it to be.

Your time is now.

Spend time noticing where you are giving your power to someone or something outside of yourself. How can you create ownership?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson