Message from Wanda Maximoff
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 09/25/23
Happy Monday!
It’s human nature to look to the external for our own happiness, validation, and “permission” to do something (i.e. when they do this, then I can do that….when I make this, then I can do that, etc.).
Another thing that keeps many of us stuck is when we think we can control other people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Again, it can be a natural, well-intended and often subconscious thing.
Wanda Maximoff sets us straight when she said this is the 2016 Marvel movie, “Captain America: Civil War”:
I spent a lot of time not doing because I worried about what others would think or how they would feel – as if I could control that. And it was (and is – because let’s be honest – it’s part of the way I’m wired) always coming from a good, caring place. Except the caring was always external and not really about me. Which, oddly enough, would sometimes have the opposite impact on those I was caring for!
I see this happening with so many of the leaders and clients I work with.
✨ What if we let others be in charge of themselves? Of course – we can inspire, influence, act out of integrity and with respect…but what might shift if we release control? ✨
We all have our own thoughts, feelings, fears and behaviors. Paying attention to controlling our own gives us agency. It opens up space to focus on what we want, to overcome obstacles that get in our way, to take action that align with our goals, to create results that our future self will thank us for.
And letting others control their own gives them agency.
I see that as a win for all. What do you think?
Where are you trying control others thoughts, feelings or fears? Is that hindering your own progress?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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