Message from Walt Disney
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 10/02/23
Happy Monday!
Welcome to October! I hope you are excited for a great 4th quarter!
Before we know it – we’ll be looking back at 2023 – reflecting on all that we accomplished and the adversities we faced. Looking back sure does require a different lens, doesn’t it? Because when you are in the thick of things – it’s hard to see what the experience may be trying to show you.
Walt Disney was so good at finding the lessons out of the good and the not-so-good that he experienced. Here is one of the quotes where he paints that picture:
His choice of words, “kick in the teeth”, kind of cracks me up. A sign of his times.
His sentiment, however, is pretty spot on. It’s through the adversities that we truly learn, grow and become more resilient. There is almost always a helpful takeaway – you just have to be willing to see it.
When you’re in the swirl of adversity – you certainly don’t need to go all “Pollyanna”. Just pause, breath and process whatever is coming up for you.
And trust that on the other side will be some type of gain. As Walt says – it might even be the best thing in the world for you
It’s all part of your messy and beautiful story.
Think of a tough situation that you’ve gone through. Reflecting back – what were the lessons or gains that came from that situation?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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