Message from King Triton



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 09/18/23

Happy Monday!

Is your September flying by like mine?  Please Father Time, take a pause, K?

One thing that I’m loving is all the Disney+ content (yes – I’m one of those…).  The new 2023 live action production of The Little Mermaid just got added to the programming – yay!  I was reminded of a quote that Ariel’s father, King Triton, said to her toward the end of the movie:

You see, for much of her life – Ariel tried to live into her passions and her dreams.  She tried to get her father to see what was on the other side of the fear that he had for her (which really….was about him…).

She tried to be exactly who she was meant to be.

But she was met with resistance.  She was met with her father’s well intended but misaligned protections.  She was silenced.

Silenced so much that she chose to wager her actual voice to break free.

The barriers, the obstacles, the opposing opinions of others, the limiting beliefs, the societal conditioning, the self-doubt, the people-pleasing and the embodiment of the less-than-helpful energy around you…it will all rear its head from time to time.

Silencing your voice might be a natural reaction.  A way to stay small.  A way to self-protect.

But there is another way.

✨ Be louder. ✨

It might mean shifting the approach, the audience or the words.  But your voice matters more than the judgements, fears and doubts.

I can’t wait to hear more of you as you live into who you are and what you most want!

Where do you feel like your voice isn’t being heard? How can you turn up the volume?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson