Message from Walt Disney
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 08/14/23
Happy Monday!
It’s not a secret that I am incredibly inspired by Walt Disney and his story.
Recently – my family and I embarked on a weekend road trip to Kansas City and Marceline, Missouri. Marceline is where Walt spent about 5 years of his childhood – he considered it his hometown. I’m not yet sure how to describe the experience of being there spending time at the Walt Disney Hometown Museum, walking down Main Street (his inspiration for Main Street, USA in Disneyland and the other parks), visiting the Disney family farm and engaging with the locals.
I can tell you, however, what I experienced embodied this quote from Walt himself:
It is clear that from a very young age – Walt thought about what he wanted, believed he could accomplish it, created that vision through dreaming and took the actions to make it happen…overcoming obstacles and failures along the way.
The results he created are more magical than he probably ever imagined at that young age. But his believing, dreaming and daring got him there.
You may not have the same type or breadth of dreams that Walt had – but you have your own. And your dreams and goals matter.
Are you giving them the airtime in the way Walt suggests? Or do you put them aside because you think they aren’t possible (or whatever other reason your brain gives you)?
Here are some questions to give time to:
✨ What do you most want in your life, leadership or business?
✨ What are your beliefs about yourself and the possibility of creating those results?
✨ What are all the possible ways you can get there?
✨ What actions can you take now – even if the how isn’t clear?
Answering those questions will likely both excite/motivate you AND bring up some obstacles and fear.
That’s right where you should be.
But don’t stop there.
Thank goodness Walt didn’t. I couldn’t imagine a world without his magic.
Take time this week to reflect on those questions. Be sure to get it out of your head and onto paper!
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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