Message from Sally Carrera
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 08/21/23
Happy Monday!
In our house – we are in a period of transition. It happens every year around this time. We are a few weeks away from school starting – so time is spent in the intersection of final summer fun and prepping for all of the things that come with the start of school.
It also can be a time of angst. When there is some unknown in the air – the fear can creep in. Not only for adolescents in school – but for every single one of us…in any situation. That is what the unknown can do.
I especially appreciate what Sally Carrera told Lightening McQueen in the Pixar film, Cars 3. Lightening wasn’t sure how to change things up and go forward, so he stayed stuck in his garage – not doing anything. Sally said this to him:
The fear of failure is such an interesting thing. When you don’t do something that will bring you closer to your desired result because you are afraid you might fail…you are actually deciding ahead of time to fail.
By not doing – you aren’t succeeding. The opposite of succeeding is…failing (I mean – I might argue that – but I’m going with Google on this one).
So – you are doing the exact thing you are afraid of.
The alternative? To see the opportunities and possibilities in front of you and do something.
Sure – you could fail. And – you could learn. And – you could succeed.
All of which are moving forward.
None of which are staying stuck.
So what do you say – you up for taking the chance?
In what area are you not moving forward because of a fear of failure? Write down all of the possible outcomes if you did take the chance. Your brain will thank you.
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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