Message from Sisu



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 08/28/23

Happy Monday!

I’m a person who likes to create a vision.  But not just cutting out pictures and posting aspirations all over the place (which I do…), but by working to become that person who has all the things now.  That is action toward vision.

However, sometimes it truly seems impossible. 

Can I really work with the Disney Institute someday?  Can I really write that book?  Can I really create retreat experiences to impact more people on a bigger scale?

My brain says ‘yes!’ to all of that.  But there is still that feeling of impossibility. 

This is the practically perfect time for Sisu’s quote from the 2021 Disney film, Raya and the Last Dragon:

​When something seems too out there – too impossible – we can become easily overwhelmed.  If you are anything like me – overwhelm leads me to distracting, stopping or swirling.

None of which actually equates to action toward that big vision.

What will get us closer to that vision is just one step.

It always starts there.  And then there is the next step.  And the next.  And the next. 

Before you know it – you create evidence that it just might be possible.

The overwhelm takes on a different tone.

You become that person who has reached the thing.

Remember  “impossible” is just a thought.

Choose what you want to make it mean.

What is feeling impossible to you right now? Decide on the first / next best step and make that happen. You’ll be well on your way.

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson