Message from Walt Disney



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 12/19/21

Happy Monday!

I love the month of December for several reasons.  I love both the rush and the peace of the holiday season.  I appreciate the natural opportunity to reflect on the current year.  I look forward to the energy of thinking about what’s to come in the next year.

It is also the month that we celebrate Walt Disney’s birthday and honor his passing. Therefore – sharing one of his quotes feels appropriate this week:

I love this quote because it reveals so much about Walt’s way of thinking.  He believed in innovation, imagination, and evolution.  He believed that anything is possible.  He believed that we, as individuals, have what it takes within us.

Every time I see this quote – I think about how this applies to practically everything and everyone. 

Like Disneyland – as long as we are on this earth - we, as humans, will never be completed.

How we evolve is in our control.  Yes, there will be unexpected things that happen that might divert us from our plan.  It is our response to those circumstances that contributes to our growth.

Knowing that our human experience will never be completed is the best news.  Even better is that we get to choose what our story looks like.

I choose:

   → to continue opening my mind up to possibility

   → to work on unlearning the stories I tell myself that keep me stuck and

   → to wholeheartedly believe that I can become the next best version of myself

What do you choose?

Think about what comes up for you when you apply this quote to your own growth. How does the thought of never being completed change how you might approach the coming year?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson