Message from Joe Gardner
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 12/27/21
Happy Monday!
I am so ready for the new year. But before jumping into 2022 with both feet – we have one more week. And for me - this final week of 2021 is a week of allowing space.
Because I know that allowing our brains to take a break is part of the formula for success.
This quote from Joe Gardner from the Disney / Pixar film “Soul” is one that I will carry with me this week:
When we allow our brains to take a break from the to-dos, the what-ifs, and the have-tos – space is created for fresh ideas, untapped thoughts and new realizations.
Possibilities emerge.
And that is where the fun begins.
When Joe Gardner says “you just need to know where to look” – I suggest that the first place to look is within yourself. When our brain catches on to these thoughts of possibility – you will start to see evidence that shows you that these possibilities are…well…possible.
Cultivating possibilities from within will look different for everyone. Here are a few things that work for me:
Taking a few minutes to be silent. New thoughts and ideas pop up for me when I am doing something without any distractions – like taking a walk or a doing a 10-mintue meditation.
Doing a thought download. Getting thoughts out of my brain and onto paper sometimes reveals things I may not have been aware of!
Say it out loud. Sharing what’s on my mind with a friend is a good way to bring life to my thoughts – and get a different perspective!
Choose a word to focus on. I love to choose a word to focus on each year. When I think about what I’d like to see in my life – choosing a word not only aligns my focus – but also creates possibilities that I may otherwise not have seen.
Here’s to a week of looking for possibilities.
Things are about to get good.
Think about what comes up for you when you apply this quote to your own growth. How does the thought of never being completed change how you might approach the coming year?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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