Message from Flik
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 01/03/22
Happy Monday!
If you’ve been reading my weekly messages or following me on social media – I’ve been talking a lot about impossible goals over the last few months. If there is one time of year that there is an increase in big goals being set – it’s now!
Built into an impossible goal are a lot of questions without immediate answers, like: “how do I it?”, “do I have what it takes?” and “who might I become when I accomplish my goal?”
This quote by Flik from Disney/Pixar’s A Bug’s Life, albeit quite long, fits for so many things in life…impossible goals included:
When you set out to do something new – especially something that feels impossible in the beginning – you are a seed. You’ve never done it before (hence the term “impossible”) – so expecting to be the tree before even taking root isn’t useful.
Along the journey between seed and tree – challenging conditions will likely show up and throw you off course. Things like doubt, impatience, fear and distraction.
Awareness and grace are key. When you encounter these things that come between you and reaching your goal – you have a choice. You can either move through the barriers or give up.
The seed needs time, sunshine (grace, belief, action) and a little bit of rain (challenges that are essential for growth) to become a tree.
You are the seed.
Everything you need is right there inside you.
Take action, be patient and enjoy the journey.
The world can never have enough trees!
Take a few minutes to be proactive about what barriers might come up as you go after your impossible goal. Make a list of the fears, questions and unknowns that come to mind. Strategize how to overcome them where you can and put the list aside. Notice how the barriers do not hold power. Now get to work!
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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