Message from Walt Disney



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 12/06/21

Happy Monday!

When you let yourself dream about a goal that you really want but seems out of reach – seems impossible – what do you do? If you’re like me (and probably most people) – you might quietly place that dream to the side. After all – the actual definition of the word ‘impossible’ is: not able to occur, exist, or be done.

Why would we go for something if it’s not able to be done? Aren’t we just setting ourselves up for failure?

However, there is an alternative. We could also decide to shift our thoughts to one like Walt Disney’s:

Impossible is subjective. Something that seems impossible to ME might totally be possible for someone else!

For example – there was a time that starting my own business seemed impossible. The very first time it became a thought – I quickly told myself that there was no way I could do that.

→ I wasn’t the entrepreneur type.

→ I had no idea what I was doing.

→ Starting a business was for people who had that “special something”.

On and on and on.

Yet there were people all around me doing the “impossible”.

Something is only impossible because we haven’t done it before. What if babies didn’t try to walk because it seemed impossible? We’d all be crawling around the floor! But babies work on that first step. They fall, get back up, fall, get back up and fall some more. With support, encouragement and perseverance – they make the impossible a reality and are soon walking and running all over the place.

When we only do the possible – we don’t see what we are really capable of.

Turning the impossible into reality is within our reach. It starts with bringing awareness to the beliefs that are keeping you stuck and training your brain to believe something that serves you better.

If I kept believing I didn’t know what I was doing – I would never have my own business today. When I shifted that belief to “I am someone who knows how to figure things out to create the result I want” – everything changed. I started to find evidence for how I had done that throughout my career. My energy shifted from doom and gloom to excited and hopeful. It wasn’t easy (still isn’t!) and I had to be very intentional about believing my new thought (still do!) – but it is exactly what started moving me into the direction I wanted to go.

Knowing that what once seemed impossible is now a reality ... that is everything.

This week – spend some time identifying one goal you’ve pushed aside because you think it’s impossible. Write down everything you believe about yourself and the goal. Highlight the thoughts that are limiting beliefs (the ones that are a barrier to moving forward). From the highlighted – select the one that really sticks out to you. Edit the belief to something that is more useful (be sure it is believable!). Make that new belief visual. Practice saying it every day. Start taking action based on that new belief.

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson