Message from Moana



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 11/29/21

Happy Monday!

As we kick off this Magic Monday message – imagine you are looking out into a lake or ocean at a large rock sticking out from above the surface of the water. You might see water lines due to the change in water levels over the years. You might see jagged edges that have remained untouched and smooth edges that the waves have shaped. To your eye – it might look solid and complete.

What is not visible is what sits below the surface of the water. It might be more of the same. But more likely – the rock boasts strengths that we wouldn’t know about without some exploration. Things like plant life that the surrounds it. Or the home and protection it provides to life under water. And simply the sheer strength of its foundation.

Moana said it best when she said this:

We humans are a lot like the rocks in the water. Our surface typically doesn’t reveal all of who we are or showcase the strengths that are innate to us. 

On the surface, we show the world only the parts of us we want it to see.

Sometimes we choose to show up in the way we with think others want us to be.

It can feel much safer to focus on the surface rather than dig deep to see what is underneath.

Or sometimes we know what is there – but are afraid to expose it - the “what if’s” acting as a barrier. “What if I fail? What if people don’t like what they see? What if…?”

When we only share what is above the surface – we might just be missing out on the best parts of us.

And when we miss out on the best parts of us – so does the rest of the world.

You are more than what is above the water line. 

So I ask you - how are you leveraging the whole you?

This week, spend some time reflecting: What strengths do I have that I don’t regularly tap into? If I leveraged them more – what might change for me? How might that impact those around me?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson