Message from Robert Iger



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 01/31/22

Happy Monday!

Over my career in Human Resources and in leadership – I have observed the struggle that people (at all levels and myself included!) go through when they are trying to fit into the expectations of who they “should be” in order to “fit” into their assigned position and/or organization.

(note:  this same observation can be made in every area of life – not just the workplace…)

When people show up in ways that are not aligned with who they really are because they are trying to be what someone else expects – the ripple effect can be significant.  There is usually lack of connection, under-productivity and disengagement – just to name a few.

This quote from Bob Iger (former CEO and Executive Chairman of the Walt Disney Company) from his amazing book “The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company” basically sums up the work I do with leaders and teams around this notion:

It all begins with knowing who you are.  Being aware of what you are good at, what you are passionate about, what characteristics you overuse in certain situations, what your blind spots are, what limiting beliefs you carry with you, where you have to adapt and stretch in order to connect better with others (and so on).

When you really know who you are – you can make better decisions.  You can be intentional about how you show up.  You can create change in sustainable ways.  You can better support and inspire others.

Knowing who you really are allows you to decide what is working and what isn’t.  You can do this from a clean place vs. a reactive place.  From a place of love vs. a place of shame.  From a place of curiosity vs. a place of apathy.  From a place of ownership vs. a place of force.

Really knowing who you are is work.  But in the good sense.  It takes intention, time, willingness and even a little courage.  But it’s worth every single second, every discovery and every mind shift that you experience along the way.

Are you showing up as your true self?​

Take time to reflect on these questions: Are you able to define who you really are or are you pretending to be something else? What is the one next step you can take to show up more authentically?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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