Message from Mirabel Madrigal
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 01/24/22
Happy Monday!
Have you seen Disney’s Encanto yet? If your answer is no – stop reading, subscribe to Disney+ and watch! It has quickly climbed up toward the top of one of my favorites (ahem…I have A LOT of favorites…).
It has a simple but powerful message: It’s not what you do but who you are that counts. And how that manifests in every character is so beautiful (even if we don’t talk about Bruno – we NEED to talk about Bruno! Oy!)
This week – I wanted to touch on this quote by Mirabel Madrigal from Encanto:
When life throws us a situation that we would put into the ‘difficult’ category, it can really do a number on us. We get into a place where we are feeling all of the uncomfortable feelings.
And that is okay. Life is 50/50 – we experience both the good and the bad. That is exactly how it should be.
When we allow and process the feelings that we experience during the dark moments, we leave space for the light that will show up – even when it seems like there will never be light again.
I can think of many times when this quote has come to life for me. One example is back when I had been in an executive role at a company for about 8 years before I left. Leaving was very difficult. I had helped to double the size of the company, built the function and team that I was leading and invested my whole self in the work. But things had shifted and it became an environment that no longer served me. I left the company without even having a new job (and if you know me at all…that is very uncharacteristic!). I felt lost. I questioned who I was as a leader and what I was doing for a profession.
The uncertainty and doubt felt pretty dark.
Over a period of many months, I was applying to a lot of roles and had plenty of interviews – but nothing was panning out.
Layer on the darkness.
But as I was considering what other paths I could take - I had an unexpected phone call with a leader at firm in an industry I had never worked in and with a culture I had never before experienced. One conversation with this man – and the light started to show. The exact opportunity I was supposed to have presented itself at the exact moment it was supposed to – and the exact people I needed to enter my life were suddenly in front of me.
So much light that I wasn’t expecting. Light that carried me to the next chapter of my career story.
My biggest takeaway from Mirabel’s quote is this:
You will experience dark moments – because life is 50/50.
But leave space for and be open to the light. It will show itself when you least expect it.
And you don’t want to miss it.
Think back to when you’ve had dark moments in your life and light appeared when you least expected it. Did you notice the light right away? How did the light present itself? What lessons can you draw from that experience?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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