Message from Elastigirl
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 02/07/22
Happy Monday!
This week’s quote comes from Elastigirl (Helen Parr) – the superhero mom in the Disney / Pixar movie - The Incredibles:
Of course, in the movie – Elastigirl was encouraging her kids to put their masks on when she said this – to protect their identity so people wouldn’t recognize who they were as their non-superhero selves.
But I’m taking this quote in a different direction.
Sometimes – we hide or mask our true selves – thinking it is a way of self-protection. Hiding our flaws (what we deem as ‘flaws’, by the way, is completely subjective), hiding our strengths (in an effort to not appear too confident), hiding our feelings (because feelings make a person vulnerable and leave room for judgment from others) and hiding our truth (in case our truth doesn’t match the expectations of others).
This kind of protection feels safe.
But it makes me wonder: What are we protecting ourselves from?
In coaching conversations – it is often revealed that we are trying to protect ourselves from disappointing and being judged by ourselves and others.
However, we do not have control over what others think or feel. And no matter how we show up – there will be judgment. That’s just how our brains are wired.
I think we are mostly protecting ourselves from ourselves. After all - WE are our own most critical judges!
But masking yourself from yourself doesn’t feel good. It requires ongoing resistance and avoidance – and can lead to unhelpful buffering behaviors.
Why would we put ourselves through that suffering?
All of the flaws, strengths, feelings and truth are exactly what make you who you are. They make up your identity.
And I agree with Elastigirl – your identity IS your most valuable possession.
But don’t protect it by masking it.
Protect it by honoring it.
Protect it by living into it.
Protect it by loving it.
Protect it from a place of pride, care, love and respect.
Doesn’t that just feel better?
Ask yourself how you are protecting your identity (who you really are). Is it by masking it or is it by honoring it?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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