Message from Princess Tiana
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 10/18/21
Happy Monday!
Sometimes it can seem like we are doing all the right things yet not seeing the results we are hoping for. I can think of several examples in both my professional and personal life where this has been the feeling (ummm…for example – working to adopt a “healthier lifestyle”…oy vay – THAT can be slow and agonizing progress!). And although it’s hard to realize this when you are IN it…I do know that dedication, persistence and belief will get you to the end result you are looking for.
Sometimes even a better one.
Princess Tiana said it well in the song “When We’re Human” from Disney’s The Princess and the Frog:
Let’s break this quote apart a bit.
“If you do your best each and every day…”
When I reflect on this portion of the quote - I realize that what guides me is how I choose to approach each day. When I am grounded in the three things below, I am more likely to show up as my best – whatever ‘best’ means for me that day. Maybe they will resonate with you too.
→ Remember Your Why. Whether it’s a small goal, a big endeavor or simply your everyday routine – reminding yourself of the true and authentic reason you are doing it is a natural motivator. (If you aren’t clear or don’t like your why…definitely take time to examine that!).
→ Do Everything from Your Integrity. Your best will always show up when you are true to yourself and follow your own moral and ethical convictions.
→ Align Everything with Your Values. When you make decisions that are aligned with your own personal values - you will show up as your best. (For help identifying your top values - download the Discover Your Values PDF here).
“…good things are sure to come your way.”
When you live into doing your best from a place of thoughtful intention, abundance-thinking and a feeling that motivates – your actions will lead you to the results you are looking for. I believe that what you put out into the world is what you get back. The “good things” might not be on your timeline or exactly as you imagined, but when you do your best and do good - good will come to you.
Remember – your thoughts create your feelings which drive your actions that influence your results. Stay the course – you’ve got this!
Identify if there something you are working toward that doesn’t seem to be going your way. Reflect on the three grounding principles mentioned above. Notice what thoughts come up and decide if those thoughts are helping you or distracting you from driving actions that will ultimately create your results.
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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