Message from Mary Poppins



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 10/11/21

Happy Monday!

One of the highest privileges in my work is getting know people. Like REALLY getting to know them. I know that the surface is just that – one small fraction of the whole. Going beneath the surface is where the real connection happens.

By way of a reminder - I love this quote from the song “A Cover is Not the Book” from Mary Poppins Returns (that Mary – always with the wisdom!):

This magical thought can change the relationships that you have with your team, your boss, your friends, family and yourself.

It is human nature to make assumptions, judgments and quick decisions based on what we first hear, see and/or experience. It is just the way our brains are wired. 

Knowing that alone gives us the power to be more intentional, slow our brain down and get curious.

Using the book analogy – the cover only provides a snapshot. It gives the title, maybe a short description, the author’s name and a visual. From that cover – you might assume what the book is about, how it is going to make you feel and whether or not you want to dive in. You might think you have all the information you need to decide if you will like it or not.

But in reality – you really don’t know. The only way to really know is to get curious, open it up and start reading - putting your initial assumptions and judgements aside and allowing yourself to wonder.

Only then will the book be able to show what it’s really about. What stories it has to tell. What lessons you will learn from it. What impact it might have on your life. From there - you can make a much more informed decision on what to do with it.

The same is true of people (yourself included).

So – consider this when you notice what immediate thoughts you have about someone (again – yourself included).

Choose to open the book and see what you discover.

This week, notice what thoughts and assumptions your brain offers you when first interacting with someone. Challenge yourself to put those thoughts aside and get curious. Ask questions and get to know what is below the surface. How do your thoughts and assumptions change?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson