Message from Figment & The Dreamfinder



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 10/25/21

Happy Monday!

Walt Disney World’s second theme park, EPCOT Center (as it was first known), opened October 1, 1982. I was lucky enough to visit in its first year (and many times since). I remember immediately falling in love with this little purple dragon known as Figment (as in ‘figment of your imagination’) from the Journey Into Imagination pavilion. I brought home a little Figment figure that year – and it was a prized possession of mine for many years to come.

As I was singing along with the attraction’s theme song (written by the wonderfully talented Sherman Brothers) on our recent trip – this line hit me a little differently than usual:

If you’re anything like me – you might have little ideas pop into your head all the time. For me - they range anywhere from ideas on my parenting to my community involvement to something with my business to how I can up-level my leadership and/or client experience.

So many sparks of inspiration.

Often – I let those sparks die out as quickly as they come to me.

However, sometimes I capture them by writing them down, recording a voice memo on my phone or shooting myself an email. Yet they might not go any further because either I judge them (“that wasn’t a good idea – what was I thinking?”), get too overwhelmed by them or just plain forget about them.

But hearing this song and this particular line during my most recent trip has shifted my thinking. 

EVERYTHING starts with one little spark of inspiration. 

And WE have the power to decide what to do with it!

With intention – we can help that spark grow into a creation that fuels us and those around us. Just like an actual spark – with the proper nurturing – it can grow into a flame.

Not all sparks are meant to grow. But don’t they all deserve a chance?

Just imagine what we could create if we gave life to our sparks of inspiration instead of letting them die out!

This week – be intentional about capturing little sparks of inspiration that come to you. Choose one to give life to and see where it goes!

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson