Message from Obi-Wan Kenobi



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 05/22/23

Happy Monday!

You know what I love most about humans?  Our complexity.

You know what I find most challenging about humans?  Our complexity.

The most fascinating part is how our brain works.  Now, I’m not a science-y person.  I don’t tend to focus much on how things are built.  I focus more on the why of the output and the “huh” factor.

Like – why is it that two people can see, hear or experience the exact same circumstance and have completely different beliefs about it?

The very wise Obi-Wan Kenobi from the epic film “Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi” says this:

Of course, Obi-Wan!  

We are all unique.  It is that uniqueness that shapes our sometimes-differing point of view.  Many times – the POV is rooted in a belief.  A personal (not always universal) truth.

We form our beliefs/our truth/our POV by an accumulation of our experiences, our environment, our personality type and the direct + indirect messages we’ve been taught.

All of that creates deep-rooted beliefs – influencing our point of view.

Which may very well be different than those around us.

This doesn’t make anyone more right or wrong than the other (…I know THAT is hard to believe oftentimes!).

AND…there is plenty of space to be open to other points of view.  Because no matter how hard we cling to our own – there are lots of other perspectives available.

Opening up to those other perspectives will reveal a whole new world.

And that is when it starts getting good.

Obi-Wan Kenobi addresses the why.  I invite you to get curious about the “huh” factor.

What is a truth (belief) that you can challenge? Maybe it’s something about yourself, your work or a relationship you have. What is it that you believe? What else might be true?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson