Message from Miss Piggy
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 06/12/23
Happy Monday!
Do you choose a word to focus on each year? I do. I’ve done it for several years and have always found it to be very impactful! (Side note – to hear more, you can listen to Episode 46 of my podcast).
My word for 2023 is AMPLIFY. I love what it is bringing me, but it also comes with its fair share of the uncomfortable. I notice unhelpful thoughts that come up like “People must think I'm arrogant." and "I'm probably too much for others!".
And then I came across this quote from the sassy and confident Miss Piggy:
Of course people have opinions of us. That is totally normal human brain behavior! Those opinions show up in a couple of ways – both of which come with some call-outs:
→ Directly from the person. They simply use words to describe their thoughts. The call out: Words are only a circumstance. What thoughts we have about those words and/or what we make those words mean about us is what matters. For most of us – the natural reaction leans toward the negative.
→ Stories that we make up in our heads. When there is a gap in information – our brain fills in that gap. The call out: We make assumptions about what people think about us. For most of us – the natural reaction leans toward the negative.
In either case – our thoughts about the words or the stories are generally a reflection of what we are thinking about ourselves.
And when it’s on the negative side….well, that’s just not helpful.
So why not choose to love who you are? Accept and embrace all of the strengths, the bumps, the quirks, the highlights and the lowlights. When you are in full acceptance, what others think doesn’t phase you nearly as much – if at all.
It’s not that you shouldn’t care about what others think. You can. It’s just about not putting unhelpful weight into it. It’s about giving more airtime and care into what you think about you and using all of that as fuel to become the best version of who you want to be.
So let’s take on some of Miss Piggy’s self-love.
You are awesome.
But it doesn’t matter what I think.
Do you ‘care’ about what others think? If yes, how do you use that in helpful ways? How does that show up in unhelpful ways?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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