Message from Marty Sklar



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 10/23/23

Happy Monday!

One of my favorite concepts I share with my leader and entrepreneur clients is painting the picture of ‘future self’.  It’s certainly not a new concept – but definitely an impactful one. 

Marty Sklar (February 6, 1934 – July 27, 2017) – who was a huge part of the Walt Disney Company in many capacities for 53 years and is a Disney Legend, was quoted saying this:

This is exactly why we spend so much of our time on the future.  It’s not to ignore or negate the past nor is it lose focus on the present…but it’s in the future were the opportunities and the possibilities lie.

  →  When you think about how you want to show up in tomorrow’s meeting – you are allowing yourself to become that person right now.

  →  When you visualize the role you have a year from now – you can start make decisions from that person’s perspective right now.

  →  When you let your brain see yourself 10 years in the future making the money, impacting the people and creating the results you most desire – you can start taking the actions to get there today.

The future is truly unknown. 

You can see that through the narrow lens of fear…

…or you can embrace that as a blank canvas that you get to create.

Your brain will be paying attention and the path will unfold accordingly.

✨ Future for the win.✨

Write down the details of your future self who has already accomplished whatever it is you are working toward right now. How can you become that person today?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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