Message from Joy
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 10/16/23
Happy Monday!
How intentional are you in creating space to just be? A time to shut out the noise and think for yourself – without others’ opinions, accomplishments and million-dollar ideas?
Joy from the 2015 Disney Pixar film, “Inside Out”, shares a good perspective:
There is so much at our fingertips all of the time. Programs to purchase, apps to download, options to be shared, news to be digested…processes, tips, ideas, frameworks, models, the ‘right’ way and ‘wrong’ way…..
It can all be so beautiful - - and also very draining.
Our brains need a break. Our brains need time to rest. AND – our brains need permission to stretch and create – all on its own.
It’s like moving into a new home of empty rooms. To some, an empty room might be intimidating. But when you let go of the expectations, comparisons, and pre-conceived standards – and let your brain play – the possibilities and opportunities are endless. Ideas start popping, energy starts flowing and you start becoming.
I know the world is a lot. And I know you’re busy trying to get all the things done in all the ‘right’ ways.
But give yourself permission to create that empty room for yourself. Make it a regular practice to go for a walk (no headphones) or journal in silence or just sit without distraction.
Let your own brain show you what’s possible.
Opportunities your very own way.
In what way and in what area of your life feels most layered with busyness and noise? Decide right now – when and how will you create space for yourself?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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