Message from Elaine Foster
Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).
original message date: 08/08/22
Happy Monday!
One thing that came out of the pandemic is my Marvel fandom! I had only seen one Marvel movie prior to 2020 - it just had never really been on my radar. But during our stay-at-home time, we watched them all … in order (and now have seen them multiple times)! And my daughter….she has become quite the expert. I love it! So…when Thor: Love and Thunder came out this summer - you know we were there opening night! Lots of good quotes from that movie. One of my favorites is from Jane Foster's mom, Elaine, and it's pretty simple:
Some of the most powerful awareness work is about being clear on where you want to go and why you want to get there. What does the end result of your goal look like, sound like, feel like? Who will you be when you get there? Why is this important to you? Do you like your reasons?
Whether your goal is to be promoted to a VP role, lose 20 pounds, make a million dollars, live next to Walt Disney World (eh-hem…that could be mine) or start your own business (for example) - creating the vision is the fun part. Creating the vision solidifies your why, generates motivation and inspires action. So good!
And then you get to work. You start to do things in service of that vision. And it feels GOOD!
Until it doesn’t.
Because things pop up. Roadblocks emerge. Challenges present themselves. The path twists and turns. You get uncomfortable. Your brain starts to offer you thoughts like “you might as well stop” or “it wasn’t meant to be” or “it’s too hard”.
Here’s what I believe. I believe it’s all happening just as it should.
And the magic of it all is that YOU are always in control.
🌟YOU get to decide what to make it mean.
🌟YOU get to thank your brain for trying to protect you from the uncertainty and then put those thoughts aside.
🌟YOU get to respond in a way that is most helpful for you.
Remember your why, listen to what your future self might say, grow from the bumps and keep moving forward.
Decide to never stop fighting - no matter what happens.
Notice how you respond when something gets in the way of reaching your goals. How can you stay in control?
Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!
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