Message from Donald Duck



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 08/22/22

Happy Monday!

As I am writing this week’s message – I can sense the season of change.  Summer is winding down and the kids are getting ready to head back to school.  There are signs of Fall in the air and on the store shelves.  I’ve even had my first pumpkin spice latte of the year!

Often, when the environment around us changes – we might sense an internal change stirring around.  Regardless of what comes of that stirring – this sentiment from the feisty yet wise Donald Duck is helpful to keep in mind:

The quest for true happiness looks different for everyone.  But, based on my experience and through my coaching work, there seems to be two common barriers that get in the way of that quest:

✨  Waiting for something outside of us to happen.  This is where we think that a circumstance needs to take place before we can be happy.  Examples sound like:  when I get that promotion, when I get a new job, when I retire, when I get married, when I lose 10 pounds, when my spouse is happy…then I can do the thing/be the person that is happy.

✨  Putting others’ assumed thoughts and feelings in front of ours. We might put our own happiness to the side because you think making a change or sharing our truth will negatively impact how others will think or feel.

As Donald Duck’s quote indicates – happiness is owned by you.

The external thing we are waiting for may never happen.  Or if it does – there Is not guarantee that we will ACTUALLY be happier as a result. 

And we certainly cannot control others’ feelings or thoughts.  They have their own thoughts, make their own meaning and create their own results.

Happiness is a decision.  You can decide to allow one (or both) of those barriers to have power.  Or you can decide to be happy right now, no matter your situation and make changes that align with your true desires.

What will you decide?

Are you in full ownership of your happiness? If not, where and how are you giving that power to someone or something else?

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson