Message from Captain Marvel



Kicking off your week with some thoughts around a favorite Disney quote (because in my world - Disney is life!).

original message date: 09/20/21

Happy Monday!

This week - I'm bringing you a quote for the Marvel Cinematic Universe! 

I believe that we are all superheroes in our own way. We have strengths to leverage and can push our way through challenges to accomplish great things.

But what if we didn’t have to ‘push’? What if we were able to remove the barriers that often get in our way?

Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) paints the picture well:

Carol Danvers Captain Marvel.jpg

Having one arm tied behind your back is a restraint - a barrier - to being all in and fully showing up as your whole and best self.

One version of my arm being tied behind my back is in the form of limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs are those thoughts that we hold as true but prevent us from growing, achieving our goals, taking risks or new opportunities, or becoming the people we want to be [click here to learn more about limiting beliefs via a recent Coaching Moment Conversation].

Here is an example:

✦ I was once told by a supervisor that I was “too emotional” (common for empaths?!).

✦ I made that mean that showing emotions made me a weak leader. And I held that belief as true.

✦ This belief was limiting in that I started to shut down at times when normally I wouldn’t for fear of being ‘too emotional’ – therefore weak. I didn’t show up for my team in a way that I felt good about…which resulted in lots of internal judgement and frustration.

✦ Over time (and through the power of coaching) – I was able to replace that limiting belief with something more useful. That new belief sounded something like this: Showing emotions makes me human – which is a strength in leadership.

✦ I was set free – showed up more authentically, owned who I was and gained more awareness of how to manage emotions in a way that made sense.

That, my friends, is magic.

What is tying your hand behind your back right now?

Imagine what you will do when it is set free!

Think about a goal you are currently working toward. Write down all of the tangible and intangible barriers that are holding you back. Create strategies to overcome those barriers. Notice the feeling of freedom you start to feel – even with this simple exercise!

Wishing you a wonderful week. You've got this!


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Angie Robinson